Jun 29, 2020
We have a great show for you this week as we welcome GHOST GIRL GREETINGS to the show and take a look back at Guillermo del Toro's gothic gem CRIMSON PEAK!
In our FIRST CHOP, Tim joins Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on the trail of THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES (1959). Then Brian continues his AMITYVILLE project with an...
Jun 25, 2020
We have a bonus treat for you this week, and it's an incredible one!
We recently sat down with the amazing talents behind the exciting new thriller 1BR. Joining us are Writer/Director/Producer David Marmor, Producer Alok Mishra, and actors Naomi Grossman and Taylor Nichols!
Sarah moves into a new L.A. apartment to start...
Jun 22, 2020
This week we combine our love of horror and games to bring you an action-packed episode of both!
In our FIRST CHOP, Tim gets the REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN (1958), and Brian checks out the amazing short films of the Etheria Film Festival!
Then we sit down to talk with the amazingly talented TRISHA HERSHBERGER! Trisha is a...
Jun 18, 2020
A quick treat for you guys as we celebrate the release of the awesome new horror comedy anthology SCARE PACKAGE on Shudder! We sit down to talk with writer/director Aaron B. Koontz on how the film came about. Check it out!
Jun 15, 2020
We're back with another fun-filled episode of Civil Gore, and this time we're revisiting a TV classic in horror movie form! We'll also have PART 2 of our amazing interview with FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2's LAUREN-MARIE TAYLOR!
In our FIRST CHOP, Tim tackles an obscure Hammer title with the oddly named but surprisingly good...